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  5. Employee level, positions, time off, recurring expenses

Employee level, positions, time off, recurring expenses

Managing employee details effectively is crucial for any organization to ensure smooth operations. This tutorial will guide you through how to manage employee levels and positions, handle time-off requests, and manage recurring expenses for individual employees in Jüulio™.

Managing Employee Levels

  • Adding an Employee Level:
    • Navigate to Employee Levels: Access the employee level settings in your Jüulio™ account.
    • Create New Level: Click “Add”, enter the name of the new level, assign a tag if necessary, and click “Save”.
  • Editing and Deleting Employee Levels:
    • Modify Levels: To edit an existing level, select the level and update the necessary information.
    • Remove Levels: If an employee level is no longer needed, you can delete it directly from the system.

Managing Positions

  • Creating Positions:
    • Add Position: Similarly to adding employee levels, go to the position management section, click “Add”, and enter the details for the new position.
    • Attach Positions to Employees: Assign these positions to specific employees as required.
  • Updating and Removing Positions:
    • Edit Positions: Update position details as roles evolve within the organization.
    • Delete Positions: Remove obsolete positions to keep the organizational structure up to date.

Handling Time Off

  • Setting Time Off:
    • Individual Time Off: Set specific time off for individual employees by selecting the employee and defining the time-off period.
    • Group Time Off: For holidays or other company-wide breaks, attach the time off to multiple or all employees simultaneously.
  • Managing Time Off Requests:
    • Approve or Deny Requests: Review and manage time-off requests from employees. Approve or deny based on availability and organizational needs.
    • Track and Filter Time Off: Use the system’s filter capabilities to view and manage upcoming and past time-off periods.

Managing Recurring Expenses

  • Adding Recurring Expenses:
    • Specify Expense Details: For recurring expenses that employees incur regularly, add these under the employee’s profile by specifying the expense type, frequency, amount, and currency.
    • Assign to Employee: Link the expense to specific employees or set it for all employees if it’s a common expense like software subscriptions or travel allowances.
  • Editing and Viewing Recurring Expenses:
    • Modify Expenses: Update recurring expense details as needed.
    • Expense History: View the history of recurring expenses to track when they were last charged and the frequency of these charges.


By utilizing Jüulio™ to manage employee levels, positions, time off, and recurring expenses, organizations can ensure that employee records are accurately maintained and easily accessible. This streamlined management not only helps in administrative efficiency but also supports better financial and human resource planning.

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